In order to liquidate a limited liability company, its Management Board, and later on its liquidators and shareholders have to take up certain corporate steps. The whole procedure should not last more than 9 months, unless there are unexpected obstacles. 9 months in our experience is an average period of well prepared liquidation, including all statutory terms and waiting time in the courts.
Generally the whole procedure can be divided into the following steps:
1) Preparation of Shareholders Meeting in order to open liquidation and accept balance sheet of opening of the liquidation and appoint liquidators. Usually the members if the Management Board become liquidators but you can also hire this service.
2) Registration of opening the liquidation in proper bodies (Companies’ register, statistic Office, Tax Office). This is now quite a quick procedure, usually, in Warsaw, if the application is well prepared and there is no need to complete any additional documents, it should not last longer than 2 – 3 weeks in the register of companies. It is connected with some administration issues – the company must for example prepare a new stamp and inform the bank.
3) Announcing about opening of the liquidation in Court and Economy Gazette in order to allow creditors to file the claims. It is done at the same time as applying to the companies register for revealing the opening of the liquidation.
4) After 6 months from the announcement in the Court and Economy Gazette - another Meeting of Shareholders should take place in order to distribute remaining assets (if any, but still – this step should take place) and accept a balance sheet on the day proceeding the day of the distribution of assets; In the meantime different organization issues have to be settled – like concluding an agreement with archivist company who will keep the documents in terms required by law in Poland, etc.
5) Another Shareholders’ Meeting in order to accept ‘0’ balance sheet (after distribution of assets);
6) Application to companies’ register and Tax Office in order to delete the company.
By law, the assets of the company cannot be divided before the lapse of the 6 – month period from the announcement to the creditors. If you add all the organizational issues and time for registration, as we mentioned, the whole procedure takes up app. 9 months. The situation may be different in case of any claims against the company or lack of proper book – keeping etc.
Please feel free to contact our Office with respect to liquidation services. Please be informed, that we prepare proper strategies, assist in appointing and finding a liquidator, take care of liquidation of the companies when the Directors are already abroad etc.
Please feel free to contact our Office with respect to liquidation services. Please be informed, that we prepare proper strategies, assist in appointing and finding a liquidator, take care of liquidation of the companies when the Directors are already abroad etc.
Aleksandra Dalecka
attorney at law
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